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Sanitising and Cleaning Electronics

June 15, 2021
It is vitally important to clean electronic devices on regular basis.
Sanitising and Cleaning Electronics

The everyday use of Electronic devices like Smartphones, Tablets, PC's e.t.c across Australia is very high.

Some Shocking Facts

  • Scientists at the University of Arizona found that your phone is ten times dirtier than most toilet seats. (Readers Digest, Morgan Cutolo, 18th Aug, 2020)
  • Some studies found 3,000 bacteria per square inch on computer keyboards and 1,600 on the average computer mouse. (Forbes)

This means that it is vital to give importance to cleaning electronic devices on regular basis.

What is the quick and easy solution?

Try Kwiksan by Actichem. Kwiksan is a hospital grade disinfectant that contains 72% alcohol.

Proven to kill COVID-19 in 60 seconds!

Kwiksan (AP689) is a hospital grade disinfectant spray for rapid killing of pathogenic micro-organisms in general infection control. Kwiksan is designed to be used in hospitals, medical and non-medical areas. Kwiksan is ideally suited to cleaning and sanitising surfaces that are sensitive to water. Common cleaning and sanitising applications for Kwiksan, include:

  • Phones
  • Keyboards, mouse, monitors,
  • Headphones
  • Touch screens and other electronic equipment.
  • Glass surfaces
  • Push plates on doors
  • Printers and scanners
  • Eftpos machines
  • Tools and equipment that must not come into contact with water.
  • And many more.

How to Use

Simply spray Kwiksan chemical on Regular Duty Cloth and clean your electronic devices with it. Here is a video demo of Kwiksan in action



Kwiksan Safety Data Sheet